Neplan error 5320
Neplan error 5320

Elec Eng 3121 is optional, butrecommended.ĮLECENG3121 Electronics II Laboratory (LAB 1.0)Experiments in design with diodes, power transistors, integratedcircuits, advanced bipolar and FET logic gates, flipflops and registers.Prerequisites: Elec Eng 3100 and Elec Eng 3101 each with a grade of "C"or better. Prerequisites: Elec Eng 3100 and Elec Eng3101 each with a grade of "C" or better. Diode and transistor circuits, small signalanalysis, amplifier design, differential and operational amplifiers, flipflopcircuits and waveshaping. Elec Eng 3100 is a corequisite.ĮLECENG3120 Electronics II (LEC 3.0)Continuation of Elec Eng 3100. Passing grade on Elec Eng Advancement Exam IIand III. Prerequisites: Elec Eng2120, Elec Eng 2200, Elec Eng 2201, and Comp Eng 2210 each with agrade of "C" or better. Elec Eng 3101 is a corequisite.ĮLECENG3101 Electronics I Laboratory (LAB 1.0)Experiments in design with diodes, transistors, differential andoperational amplifiers, and logic components. Passing grade on Elec EngAdvancement Exam II and III.

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Prerequisite:Consent of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department required.ĮLECENG3100 Electronics I (LEC 3.0)Diode and transistor circuits, small signal analysis, amplifier design,differential and operational amplifiers, flipflop circuits and waveshaping.Prerequisites: Elec Eng 2120, Elec Eng 2200, Elec Eng 2201, and CompEng 2210 each with a grade of "C" or better. Variable title.ĮLECENG3002 Cooperative Engineering Training (IND 1.0)On-the-job experience gained through cooperative education withindustry, with credit arranged through departmental cooperative advisor.Grade received depends on quality of reports submitted and worksupervisor's evaluation. Prerequisites: Math 3304 or 3329 Physics 2135.ĮLECENG3000 Special Problems (IND 1.0-6.0)Problems or readings on specific subjects or projects in the department.Consent of instructor required.ĮLECENG3001 Special Topics (LAB 0.0-6.0)This course is designed to give the department an opportunity to test anew course. Current, voltage, and powerrelations complex algebra voltage and power relations in polyphasecircuits with an emphasis on Transformers and Induction Machines.Not for electrical engineering majors. Preceded or accompanied by Elec Eng 2200.ĮLECENG2800 Electrical Circuits (LEC 3.0)Taught primarily as an alternating current (AC) circuits course withdirect current (DC) circuits as a special case.

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Prerequisites: Elec Eng 2100, Elec Eng2101, and Physics 2135 each with grade of "C" or better passing the ElecEng Advancement Exam I. Topics include DC biasing and applicationsin analog and digital electronics.

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Students should enroll in Elec Eng 2200 and Elec Eng 2201simultaneously.ĮLECENG2201 Electronic Devices Laboratory (LAB 1.0)Laboratory tools and measurement techniques for basic electroniccircuits using diodes, field-effect transistors, bipolar junction transistors,and operational amplifiers. Prerequisites: Elec Eng 2100, Elec Eng 2101, and Physics2135 each with grade of "C" or better passing the Elec Eng AdvancementExam I. Topics include characteristics and basic circuits for diodes,field-effect transistors, bipolar junction transistors, and operationalamplifiers. Prerequisites: Elec Eng 2100 and Math 2222 each with grade of"C" or better passing the Elec Eng Advancement Exam I.ĮLECENG2200 Introduction to Electronic Devices (LEC 3.0)Materials and device structures for applications in analog and digitalelectronics. Astudent who drops Elec Eng 2100 must also drop Elec Eng 2101.ĮLECENG2120 Circuits II (LEC 3.0)Analysis of steady state AC circuits, phasor notation, polyphase circuits,complex frequency and frequency response, magnetically coupledcircuits. Prerequisite: Preceded or accompanied by Elec Eng 2100. Students should enroll in Elec Eng 2100 and Elec Eng 2101simultaneously.ĮLECENG2101 Circuit Analysis Laboratory I (LAB 1.0)Safety, basic measurements and meters, oscilloscopes, resistornetworks, measurement of capacitors and inductors, RLC circuitresponse.

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Prerequisites: Math 1215 (or 1221) with a grade of "C"or better. Variable title.ĮLECENG2100 Circuits I (LEC 3.0)Circuit elements, signals, Kirchhoff's laws, network theorems, meshand nodal analysis, transient and complete response of RL, RC, andRLC circuits. Prerequisite: First semester transferstudent.ĮLECENG2001 Special Topics (LEC 0.0-6.0)This course is designed to give the department an opportunity to test anew course. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (ELEC ENG)ELECENG1010 Transfer Student Seminar (LEC 0.50)Discussion of current topics.

Neplan error 5320